Buying our books
You can see our catalogue by clicking here. At the moment it is incomplete although we are adding books to it all the time.
We do not currently have an online ordering system but buying our books is quite simple. If you know what books you want just make a list and send it to us by email. Our address is randjbooks@gmail.com. Also contact us if you have any questions or problems.
Unfortunately we cannot order books for you: we can only supply items that we have in stock.
Stock lists
If you would like to see a complete list of our stock we can send you an Excel chart on which we have everything recorded. It is quite long - we have about five thousand titles! Again, just email us if you are interested.
Our warehouse
Another way to see our stock (and the only way to see all of it) is to come to our warehouse. It is simple to arrange a visit - once again, just send us an email.
Payment, transport charges and discounts
We accept payment by cash, credit card or bank transfer. Invoices (facturas) are provided on request.
Sometimes we are able to deliver items personally. Where this is not possible there may be a charge for transport costs. Any such charge will be agreed in advance and added to your bill.
Discounts of ten per cent are available to schools and teachers.