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The Deadly Monster
The Goose Who Knew Too Much
Hot Air
Gulliver's Travels
Ghosts And Poltergeists
African Myths
Greek Myths
Storm: the awesome power of weather
Ice: life in the freezing cold
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Ancient Egypt: tales of gods and pharoahs
Bravo Mr William Shakespeare! Seven plays
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
The Elephant's Friend: and other stories from Ancient India
The Iliad And The Odyssey
King Arthur And The Knights Of The Round Table
Mr William Shakespeare's Plays: seven plays
Noah's Ark And Other Bible Stories
Oliver Twist: and other great Dickens stories
The Romans: gods emperors and dormice
Sinbad The Sailor
Tudors: kings, queens, scribes and ferrets
Archie's War: my scrapbook of the First World War 1914-1918
Alexander The Great
Anne Frank
The Battle Of Gettysburg
The Building Of The Great Pyramid
Elizabeth I And The Spanish Armada
Julius Caesar